Head Coach Policy

The Head Coach and General Manager of The Barcelona  Soccer Academy Hong Kong' (TBSA HK), Oscar Benavides & ALL Senior Coaches provided by BSA HK have obtained  Coaching Badges from the 'CENAFE  School for Coaches' in Spain, FC BARCELONA , REAL MADRID and Junior Coaches have been specially trained in the Spanish methodology by the Head Coach to ensure consistency in lesson programs.

Classes will take place if there is light to moderate rain. Please wear a waterproof jacket to class.

The session time can also be used to teach the students game strategies and techniques while sitting undercover.

However, we cannot run the class if the Hong Kong Government has issued a :

1) Amber Thunderstorm warning,

2) Red or black rainstorm warning,

3) No.3 or above typhoon signal (No. 3 by HeadCoach final decision) 

via the Hong Kong Observatory website.

The coaches will notify all parents/guardians/players via your soccer class WhatsApp group approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the class.

Every effort will be made to provide a message with as much advance notice as possible, however, it will be at the discretion of the Head Coach/Senior Coach on duty, and due to to the nature of the weather in Hong Kong, this could be up to 5 minutes prior to the scheduled class start time.

The announcement will be made by BSA HK staff on your soccer class VIA WhatsApp group.

The Head Coach/Senior Coach on duty decision is final.

If the scheduled class is needed to be cancelled due to weather after the class has started, TBSA HK staff will notify all parents/guardians via your soccer class WhatsApp group and stay with the players until they have been picked up at the normal session end time if needed.

According to the www.aqicn.org website, if the pollution level reading exceeds Air Visual App-PM2.5/ 200+/Purple Colour at the venue 30 minutes before the scheduled start time, TBSA HK will cancel the class.
BSA HK staff will notify your soccer class WhatsApp group approximately 30 minutes prior to the schedules class time.

If a scheduled class is cancelled due to the above mentioned wet weather or air pollution conditions, a refund or credit will not be given, as it is seen as an act of nature and beyond our control. A date for makeup class in the same term will be offered to you by Admin. 

Player Registration & Payment Policy

By enrolling in for the Autumn Term, you are enrolling for the entire block of sessions. See the Term dates under the 'Times & Venues' section of the website https://www.bsasoccer.club (Not applicable to Casual/drop in fee paying players)

It is the responsibility of the players parent/guardian to provide proof of payment to BSA HK Admin. If you decide to pay via an Online Bank Transfer/ATM Transfer, you will need to send a photo of the receipt directly to BSA HK Admin Whatsapp (+852 94425410). Please include the players name with the receipt.

Once BSA HK Admin has acknowledged your proof of payment, your registration will be considered final and complete.

To receive the Term Class Fee rate payment needs to be made in FULL for the agreed number of classes ON or BEFORE the first class attended.

If a student joins a block of sessions that has already started, then the fees will be pro-rated for the remainder of term. Please contact BSA HK Admin Whatsapp (+852 94425410) to calculate your total term fee.

No refund will be provided for students withdrawing from a course after it commences.

No credit/refund or makeup arranged for classes that are cancelled once the class has begun.

PLEASE NOTE, the venues and times for classes do sometimes CHANGE according to the allocation booking system by the Hong Kong Government Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Sessions do not always take place at the same times and venues. All times for classes will be as close to the stated time as possible, and all venues for Term sessions are located within the Tung Chung local community.

Attending and participating in a class without prior notification or payment to BESA HK Admin is considered equivalent to enrollment, requiring payment for the class, $200 casual/drop in fee rate.

Please contact BSA HK Admin Whatsapp (+852 94425410) if you are having any issue paying on time. We can make arrangements to suit.

BSA HK promises to deliver the agreed number of sessions. However, as we have experienced recently in Hong Kong, there might be times of civil unrest, or other unusual or unforeseen circumstances, resulting in late changes or cancellations to classes. We put the safety of players, parents and staff as our priority. In these situations adaptations/adjustments might need to be made to the way classes are typically delivered. In the event of a full suspension/cancellation of class, a makeup/credit session will be offered to you by Admin. Class fees will not be refunded.

If a class is cancelled due to venue booking problems we will arrange a make up session.

If a student misses a class for a reason other than medical, the lesson will not be refunded/credited or a makeup class arranged.

We run classes on Public Holidays, however the time of the class might change slightly. You will be notified by BSA HK Admin on the class Whatsapp group.

Please also read the separate Wet Weather and Air Pollution Policy regarding changes and cancellations to classes.

Health & Hygiene Policy

Please do not come to the session if you or anyone in your household currently have ANY symptoms associated with a cold or flu including runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, headache, sore muscles, tiredness.

Your temperature will be taken by the coach and you will be turned away if your temperature is reading as ‘high’ (38 or above).
Please bring at least one large filled water bottle to your class as there are no drinking water facilities at the venue.

Players are allowed to take off their mask while playing sport outdoors.

Please bring an alcohol based hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes to use on your hands and soccer ball.

Player Uniform and Player & Parent Conduct Policy

The official BSA HK uniform set (top, shorts, socks) is COMPULSORY for every registered player.

To view the uniform design and size charts please contact our ADMIN on (+852 94425410)

Then send your uniform order in a WhatsApp message to BSA HK Admin (+852 94425410).

Your order will be placed with our manufacturer once payment has been received and confirmed by BSA HK Admin.

Uniforms take between 10-15 days to be received from the supplier once the order has been placed.

Your uniform will be given to you at your next class once is ready for collection.

The full and correct BSA HK uniform  (top, shorts, socks) must be worn to class.

Uniforms must be in neat and tidy condition and clearly show the BSA HK name and logo.

All students are required to bring their own appropriate size soccer ball to every class:

6-8 yrs old - Size 3 ball

9-13 yrs old - Size 4 ball

Players should not be using Size 5 soccer balls.

Shin pads/shin guards are also required at class and in matches for every registered player. This is a legal requirement by FIFA.

Failure to bring full kit may result in exclusion from all or part of the lesson.

Shin pads and BSA HK socks in a variety of sizes are brought to every class by coaches or admin staff and are available to purchase with cash.

Classes start and finish on time. Please arrive promptly and arrange immediate collection at the end of each class.

Under HK law, all students under 12 years of age must arrive at the venue under adult supervision. This supervision should occur prior to the start of the session and immediately upon conclusion.

BSA HK  coaches cannot be responsible for minding children after the scheduled end of the class. In an urgent situation, if you cannot collect your child at the end of a class you should inform BSA HK Admin immediately via Whatsapp (+852 94425410).

Players and parents have to leave the venue immediately after the conclusion of the class as a safety precaution.

Only parents/guardians or person responsible for the child will be allowed to enter the venue.

BSA HK reserves the right to expel students from a class, a block of classes, or the entire term for behavior considered unacceptable to the coaches and/or fellow students. The Head Coach/Senior Coach on Duty decision is final.

When students misbehave during class time, ONLY coaches will be allowed on to the playing field to administer the correct formal action.

Only students registered for the class are allowed to participate during class, due to insurance purposes.

Brothers, sisters, cousin, neighbors, friends or anyone else will not be allow to enter or interfere with the students class.

Liability & Consent

By enrolling with BSA HK for Term/ Casual Drop In or a Trial class, the participant does so at their own risk.

By taking part in any of our classes you are acknowledging and agreeing that this sport carries inherent risk of physical injury, and you understand that BSA HK, its owners, employees and coaches are not responsible for any injury to you or your child, or to any loss/damage to property.

Missed Classes & Makeup Sessions Policy

We do not allow casual swapping of classes between days, as this causes difficulties with arranging coaching staff and student capacities for each class.

We will only allow make up classes for medical reasons when a doctors note is provided showing the date that the class was missed.

Makeup classes involving a medical certificate must be arranged with BSA HK Admin (+852 94425410) to take place during a scheduled class during the same term, and in the correct age group for the child.

Request for make up lessons for special reasons other than medical, will be at the discretion of BSA HK Management and will be reviewed on case by case basis.

If you arrange a makeup lesson with BSA HK Admin and have it confirmed by BSA HK Admin, and then choose not to attend the class, it will be considered a 'no show' and another makeup lesson will not be arranged by BSA HK Admin.

Makeup classes/credits cannot be carried over into a new term, unless you are a fully registered player for the next term also.